When evaluating your Environmental Services department, Patient transport or other service department, the key to developing an improvement plan is a comprehensive department assessment. Fanelli Solutions’ Assessments provide his clients with a zero based staffing plans, comparisons to benchmarks, equipment plans and more.
Our comprehensive assessments define the services you expect from your Support department and provide the operators with the plan they need to execute. If your goal is to improve efficiency or services, Fanelli Solutions provides both.
A comprehensive Assessment by Fanelli Solutions provides the corner stone for Patient Satisfaction initiatives, customer service improvement and the key to your department providing consistent and predictable outcomes.
Fran’s experience with conducting over 100 assessments, gives him the skills to conduct comprehensive assessments while minimizing the operational impact to your current operations. At Fanelli Solutions, we listen to you, your customers and the operators in order to develop a plan that meets the needs of your facility.
Our comprehensive assessments include:
• Staffing
• Scheduling
• Supply usage
• Equipment needs
• Management evaluations
• Service level agreements
• Department scope & responsibilities
• Software recommendations
• Policy reviews