Smooth conversions don’t just happen. They happen when properly planned and supported. When our clients decide to convert from in-house to contract service or from contract service to in-house, they know it’s a big, time consuming task. With extensive experience in managing conversions, Fanelli Solutions can help make the conversion seamless.
When converting to a contract service, we understand what the new contractor needs to successfully convert in an orderly manner. Our conversion plans, lay out responsibilities, time lines and expectations for all parties. Our program minimizes the disruption and expense of a conversion.
When our clients are converting from a contractor to an in-house program, we can provide all levels of support from hiring managers to setting up new supply programs. Having an organized transition plan and someone to oversee it, can save time money and disruptions.
Our conversion plans include timelines and checklists for all of the following:
• Contract reviews
• Equipment reconciliations
• Staffing plans
• Service level agreements
• Start up plans
• Management introductions
• Recruitment
• Interviewing
• Supply & vendor selection
• Interim management